Monika W.
Position: Travel
Lighting: First Woman in Lighting Industry
1977-1980; Disco Equipment Sales
Showco Manufacturing
1981 - 1989
Administrative; Purchasing Agent
I started working at Showco initially on a temporary basis, in late '81. I knew Chari Short through my previous work and friends at CBS Records, so she contacted me asking if I would like to come in and help her with tour itineraries and other admin. stuff. This is where I met Lester Burton, my husband, pretty much on my first day, and the rest is history. After a while, they no longer needed me, so I left. Re-hired, on a permanent basis, as receptionist in 1982/1983. After 3 years, I submitted a request for, and was given, the position of purchasing agent. Worked for Clay Powers and Richard Bratcher and the Sound Department. Very proud to be there and purchasing for the new Prism system. Left Showco in 1989. I Have wonderful memories of my Showco family and friends!
- Midge
1971 - 1972
Diane joined Showco in it's earliest days working part-time. She was very good at soldering so she spent a lot of midnight hours building snakes and mic cables. She accompanied Chuck Conrad and Jack Maxson on numerous Three Dog Night shows. Diane turned out to be a pretty good truck driver, piloting "Myrtle," (Jack's truck) at night, allowing them to get a little sleep on many over night journeys. Eventually that led to her involvement with James Taylor and Cat Stevens tours. Back then it was very difficult for a woman to break through in the world of touring PA, but she persevered and became a pretty good FOH engineer. Chuck would do monitors and Diane would do FOH. That tradition continued when Chuck and Diane left Showco and started Crossroads Audio.
Lighting Department
Pictured is Jan Elliot and Dennis McDonald
Switchboard/Receptionist 1979
1979 - Travel Department
Sara LeGrand was my immediate Supervisor when I first started working at Showco in 1979. Sara trained me for my new job as Operations/Sound Department Secretary. As a part of that training, she took me to my first backstage look at what happens before the show. (Bad Company, Ft Worth, 1979). Sarah also talked to me about being professional at the venues (no dancing around the soundboard or trying to meet the clients). She also stressed my job was to help make everything easier for the road crew to go on tour (TOUR BOOKS, making sure messages from family and friends were delivered or destroyed depending on the situation). And finally gave me my catchphrase "Have a good tour." I tried to be like Sarah but she left after my first month, so I had to quickly learn to work independently.
- Diana Smith (Vrba) O'Meara
Secretary to President - 1979
Sound Operations Secretary - 1979 - Bee Gees, tour books, minutes from Operations meetings
Pictured Mike & Toni Ponczek
1972-1976, 1980-1997 Accounting/Production Secretary
After working in Switzerland as a Nanny in the 70’s and returning back to England I received a phone call in 1977 from an English Rock band called Genesis asking if I might be interested in touring with them in Europe and the U.S. working as a nanny to their children. It was in 1977 that I first became familiar with Showco and the famil
After working in Switzerland as a Nanny in the 70’s and returning back to England I received a phone call in 1977 from an English Rock band called Genesis asking if I might be interested in touring with them in Europe and the U.S. working as a nanny to their children. It was in 1977 that I first became familiar with Showco and the family of people who would later become life long, dear friends. After touring with Genesis for two years and meeting the band’s sound engineer Craig Schertz, who worked for Showco, I moved to Dallas Texas and into ‘The Lakewood Manor’ a big Showco hang out home that Craig shared with three other Showco guys, Robin Magruder, Bill Gans and Townsend Wessinger. Luckily this was temporary until we bought our first home together lol !!! My years in Dallas hold a lot of wonderful memories for me. The people at Showco really did feel like family. We all socialized together and at the time none of us really knew what a remarkable time we were all experiencing in the music business. Craig and I had many, many barbecues and parties at our home in North Dallas. Our New Year’s Eve parties were pretty wild and a lot of fun. I remember always knowing the next morning exactly where Luna had walked during the party by the red wine trails on the !!! One Showco party we had in the 80’s that comes to mind was during the time Genesis were rehearsing in Las Colinas. Phil (Collins) asked me if it would be okay if his friend Robert came to the party because he was in Dallas and it was his birthday. Robert, of course, was Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin. The party was a lot of fun, we had a big birthday cake for Robert with a lot of birthday candles on top which when lit proceeded to spread into one big fire on top of the cake. Craig Schertz jumped into action and put the cake out with a fire extinguisher. No birthday cake that night lol !!! Most of it was found on the wall 🙄 To add to the madness, a Led Zeppelin band member, I think it was Jimmy Page, sent a stripper to the party to sing and dance for Robert. This beautiful ‘girl’ ended up being a guy. Page's prank was hilarious and a big hit. Two other things I remember about that party was Darla Thompson, another Showco wife, kept calling Robert ‘Peter Plant’ Lol 😂. Oh and yep!! The next morning I could see exactly where Luna had walked all night by her red wine trail haha!!!
Claudia Snowden was a Shop Secretary at SHOWCO from 1970-71. She came on board right after the Texas International Pop Festival, where she snagged a lot of on-stage photos thanks to an all-access press pass. She was part of the advance team to set up operations for the Pocono Pop Festival, and remembers feeling a little queasy early one f
Claudia Snowden was a Shop Secretary at SHOWCO from 1970-71. She came on board right after the Texas International Pop Festival, where she snagged a lot of on-stage photos thanks to an all-access press pass. She was part of the advance team to set up operations for the Pocono Pop Festival, and remembers feeling a little queasy early one foggy morning when the grand piano that had taken her all week to procure ended up as kindling by the end of Emerson, Lake, and Palmer's set.
Rock and roll is Claudia's heart & blood, but her expertise lies in classical music. After obtaining degrees in flute performance and musicology, Claudia crafted a career that included instrumental and choral performances all around the world, in such venues as 1750 Arch Street in San Francisco, Carnegie Hall, the Sydney Opera House, and cathedrals and venues throughout the U.S. and Europe.
In keeping with the bumper sticker "Real musicians have day gigs," she worked as an arts administrator promoting such organizations as Princeton Pro Musica, Opera Festival of New Jersey, Chorus Austin, Delaware Valley Symphony, Sydney Philharmonic Chorus, and others. Her entire wardrobe was black, as she had no time to change clothes constantly running from day gigs to evening performances.
The SHOWCO magic is alive and well in the offspring of two Showco employees--a daughter, Eryn, who inherited her mother's musical ear, and her father Mac Rawley's eye for architecture and art. When pondering her own career, Eryn said, "Nah, I'm tired of living like a poor artist, I think I'll make international biotech my career." So far, she's worn out three passports working and living all around the world as a top scientist and educator.
1979 - Switchboard/Reception
"Monika was my occasional babysitter and gave me my first cat 'Milo'. She actually inspired me to be an artist at a very young age"
- Indigo
1979 - 1980 Lighting
REO Speedwagon "9 Lives" Tour - Only woman on Tour
Sound Department
1978-1979 Electronics
(Built Superboards)
In the 1970s, I worked for the Transportation Department and became the first female truck driver as a second driver. I had the opportunity to drive on the Bee Gees' tour in 1976. I took some great pictures during that time, but I ended up giving them to a fan. I also drove for the Beach Boys and Willie Nelson. I took a rigger truck to Fo
In the 1970s, I worked for the Transportation Department and became the first female truck driver as a second driver. I had the opportunity to drive on the Bee Gees' tour in 1976. I took some great pictures during that time, but I ended up giving them to a fan. I also drove for the Beach Boys and Willie Nelson. I took a rigger truck to Fort Worth for what I believe was a Bad Company concert. After my time there, Joyce Dugger came in, she and I were best friends. - Marilyn
I used to work with Showco in the 80s. Initially, I worked with Chris and Kirby in the corporate division for a few years (from around 1982 to 1984), where I was responsible for sound and lights. Later on, George Wheatley hired me as a full-time Showco sound staff member, and I worked with them from around 1984 until 1986-87. During this
I used to work with Showco in the 80s. Initially, I worked with Chris and Kirby in the corporate division for a few years (from around 1982 to 1984), where I was responsible for sound and lights. Later on, George Wheatley hired me as a full-time Showco sound staff member, and I worked with them from around 1984 until 1986-87. During this time, I spent most of my time on the road working on tours, where I worked on both monitors and FOH. I collaborated with Mike Ponczek on several occasions. Whenever I was back in the Dallas shop, I helped in putting together and testing out the first Prism sound system.
Currently, I live in Olympia, Washington, and own a small recording studio. I am semi-retired. - Micki 2024
Live Sound resume
Al “TNT” Braggs
Amazing Kreskin
American Idol (Kelly Clarkson)
Anson and the Rockets with Sam Meyers
Arlo Guthrie
B.W. Stevenson
BB King
Bellamy Brothers
Billy Joe Shaver
Bo Diddley
Bob Dylan
Bobbie Vinton
Bon Jovi
Bonnie Raitt
Brave Combo
Bruce Hornsby and the Range
Buddy Guy
Cab Calloway
Charlie Haid
Christopher Hewitt
Cold Blue Steel
Crosby Stills & Nash,
Dallas Symphony Orchestra
Dan Hicks
Dave Alvin & the Allnighters (Blasters)
Dave Mason
David Lindley & El Rayo
David Soul
Delbert McClinton
Dickie Betts
Don Johnson
Doug Kershaw
Dwight Yoakam
Edgar Winters
Emmylou Harris
Felix Cavalieri
Gary Morris
Geezinslaw Brothers
George Jones
George Strait
George Thourogood and the Destroyers
Grateful Dead
Green on Red
Holly Dunn
Huey Lewis and the News
J.D. Souther
Jack Wagner
Jackie King
Jason & the Scorchers
Jerry Jeff Walker
Jerry Max Lane
Jim Hillbilly
Joe Ely
Joe Walsh
John Anderson
John Conlee
John Cougar Mellencamp
John Fogerty
John Prine
John Schneider
Johnny Reno and the Sax Maniacs
Judy Collins
Judy Rodman
Julio Iglesias
Kip Adotra
Kris Kristofferson
Les Cash and the Dividends
Little Joe Y Familia
Los Lobos
Lyle Lovett
Minnie Mouse
Mister Mister
Motley Crue
Neil Young
Nils Lofgren
Patty Loveless
Paul Revere and the Raiders
Playboy Girls of Rock & Roll
Red and the Red Hots
RENT (Stageplay)
Rick James
Rita Coolidge
Rob Lowe
Robert Guillaume
Roger McGuinn
Roger Miller
Roy Clark
Roy Head
Rusty Weir
Sawyer Brown
Steve Fromholtz
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Taj Mahal
The Crazy World of Arthur Brown
The Fabulous Thunderbirds
The Gatlin Brothers
The Killer Bees
The Monkees
The Nelsons
The Neville Brothers
The Osmonds
The Ramones
The Supremes
The Texas Playboys
The Unforgiven
Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers
Vern Gosdin
Vince Neil
William Lee Golden & the Goldens
Willie Nelson
1994-1997 Bench Tech
1997-2015 Vari-Lite/PRG
Kelli repaired and tested all of the rack gear.
Assisted in setting up the PA for in shop testing, Assisted in loading and unloading trucks, as well as anything that might be needed!
Lighting (Vari-lite)
My husband Keny (fellow alum) joined Showco at the end of 1971…early days. We got married in August 1972. I started dating an engineering student and wound up marrying a sound roadie. A week after the wedding, we went on the road with the Beach Boys, our honeymoon. Thank goodness, Rusty Brutsche took pity on me and let me go on the ro
My husband Keny (fellow alum) joined Showco at the end of 1971…early days. We got married in August 1972. I started dating an engineering student and wound up marrying a sound roadie. A week after the wedding, we went on the road with the Beach Boys, our honeymoon. Thank goodness, Rusty Brutsche took pity on me and let me go on the road with Keny. Married couples on the road were almost non-existent. I felt I needed to do something to “earn my keep”, so I ran the mike set up on stage.
When we got to the gig, possibly having driven all night, we started set up. We always hoped to be done around 2:00pm for sound check if everything went as planned. It never went as planned when I was there. We’d hurry to get everything done before sound check. Then sound check and, hopefully, get to eat. The show always went on, no matter what the problem that needed to be solved was. As soon as the band cleared the stage we started tear down. That usually lasted till about 2:00pm, if we were lucky. Then we’d drive to the next gig, occasionally we got to stay in a hotel room. Rinse and repeat! Keny and I shared a sleeper in Loretta or a similar truck. Very tight quarters. The guys I was on the road with were always so kind and didn’t complain about my taking up space.
We did the Beach Boys, Cat Stevens and Clapton. Then I left the road and started life as a teacher and a lonely road wife. Keny started doing big concert gigs instead of long tours and I would go join him during the summers.
Generally our house was a way station for guys stopping over in Dallas between tours. I was their kind of den mother or sister. When staying with us, they helped paint walls and do whatever helped out. I enjoyed making home-cooked meals for them. I even delivered gifts to girlfriends in town when they were away. It was such a learning curve for a shy, school teacher from Kansas. I wouldn’t have traded it for the world. The Showco “crew” was and is the best.
- Camilla W. 2024