I probably toured more with Roy than anyone at Showco. Right off the bat he was the one that taught me how to tour. Two times: one with The O'jays and one with Thin Lizzy, Roy “missed the flight .“ Both times it was only him and myself. Well, long story short I had to set up the entire PA and monitor system by myself, only to learn later he was testing and preparing me just in case something was to happen. Showco called it "just make it happen". Great lesson!
- Patrick "Catfish" O'Rourke 2024
"Although I never toured with DK, I respected his talent and work ethic from the moment I met him. No matter what he was doing, he'd always make time for us newbies and our stupid questions. But Donnie was never condescending, no matter how stupid the question. I remember he once told me, "there are no stupid questions... only stupid answers" and his advice was always spot on.
-Micahel Garvey
"We had fun working together! He made fun of my secretary clothes, made me question my LOVE for Jackson Browne or any Rockstar really and helped me deal with office 'stresses'. Doc taught me what to watch for when getting a tour 'out the door'. He was the BEST to work with and I LOVE him for that!"
- Diana Smith (Vrba) O'Meara 2023